You may be looking for more beyond Sunday services: More ways to grow as a Christian. More opportunities to know God’s love. More paths to explore on your journey of faith. If so, Saint Mark’s offers direction and encouragement.

You may be looking for more beyond Sunday services: More ways to grow as a Christian. More opportunities to know God’s love. More paths to explore on your journey of faith. If so, Saint Mark’s offers direction and encouragement.
Do you ever wonder what God wants you to be doing with your life? If you're interested in exploring ways in which you could be putting your faith into action on a daily basis, then Education for Ministry might be for you! Education for Ministry is a dynamic and life-changing experience, with the goal of learning to think theologically so that one may become an effective minister in the world.
Participants receive an education in Christian tradition, biblical studies, Church history, and Christian theology and ethics. There are no papers to write or exams to take; each week the group discusses how shared reading assignments relate to the lived experience of participants. Conversations are lively, insights are plentiful, lessons are engaging, and the group becomes a supportive community. We’ve had an EfM group nearly continuously since 1988, and there are dozens of EfM graduates in the congregation.
Our EfM group meets 7:00–9:00 pm on Monday nights from September through May. Students may participate in person or online. The entire program is four years long, but you need only commit to one year at a time. Tuition is $380 per year which covers all course materials and University fees; partial scholarships are available so cost isn't an obstacle for anyone.
Our Centering Prayer Group meets mid-September to mid-June on Monday mornings from 10:00-11:00 for prayer, discussion, and sharing. It’s open to everyone: those who have never tried this spiritual practice and those who have been doing it for years. The group meets online; click here to join.
Centering Prayer as a spiritual practice is about cultivating one’s relationship with God. We do this by setting aside 20 minutes (ideally twice a day) to sit in silence and allow God to work in us. With eyes closed and seated comfortably, we let go of all thoughts and emotions during that prayer period. A sacred word of your choice assists in the process of releasing thoughts and feelings and returning to God’s presence.
Sunday adult education
Throughout the liturgical year we provide a wide array of classes geared toward the current season (Advent, Lent, etc). These include film series, church-wide book groups, speakers, and other educational opportunities. Stay up to date on our latest offerings on the homepage, the News & Events page or by letting us know you'd like to receive our weekly eblast.
Our bible study group meets on Wednesday mornings from 9:30–10:30 a.m. to explore the riches of the Sunday lectionary readings. Each week, we read aloud all three lessons, then choose one to begin an in-depth focus for the morning. Participants discover God’s challenge and encouragement as we seek deeper meaning in God’s word.
We gather for adult education series on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Topics include traditional Bible study, opportunities to hear the faith stories of parish members, introductions to theological and historical topics, and thematic programs on life issues, books, and contemporary society.
Periodically we offer an Inquirer’s Class to introduce new members and young adults to the worship, structure, history, and practices of the Episcopal Church. This course is taught in conjunction with preparation for a bishop’s visit and Confirmation or Reception in the Episcopal Church, though anyone is welcome to participate.
Youth Inquirer's class 2022