The Rev. Sylvia Sweeney
I came to St. Mark’s in 2009 and have enjoyed being a part of this loving faith community while professionally also serving in other capacities in the diocese and the broader church. I am currently Professor Emeritus of Liturgics and Homiletics at Bloy House as well as a member of the faculty of Episcopal Preaching Foundation. I also teach Preaching to seminarians in the Diocese of Southeast Florida. Ordained in 1985, over the years I have served congregations in Montana, Idaho, and the Diocese of California. I served as Dean and President of Bloy House for eleven years and still occasionally teach there when asked. I have a Master’s in Counseling and Human Systems from Florida State University, a Master’s in Divinity from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Liturgics from the Graduate Theological Union. Much of my writing over the years has been about topics related to women’s issues and ecofeminism. In my spare time I enjoy watching Dodgers baseball with my husband, Bob Honeychurch, watching PBS detective mysteries, and trying out new recipes on my unsuspecting family and friends. I am looking forward to also becoming a grandmother this summer and reentering the world of children’s literature with my granddaughter.