“I am constantly moved and exhilarated by the musical gems our dedicated members and a ridiculously talented staff and clergy place at the altar as an offering of worship. Despite no performative talent, from the pew I get to be part of it. Alleluia.” . . . Bob Shaper
Music is an essential part of our parish life. At Saint Mark’s, if you sing, or play an instrument, you have a ministry that glorifies God. The many musicians in our congregation regularly share their talents during our Sunday worship services and for special occasions.
“Music is a key part of my own spiritual walk. I love the way that we sing everything from Classical, to rocking-down-the-house Spirituals, to Contemporary, to Jewish worship pieces. We have a long tradition of featuring the musical talents of parish members as soloists, musicians and composers.” . . . Chris Yoder
The music at our 9:00 and 10:30 worship services provides a variety of musical styles including traditional, classical, contemporary, gospel music, and folk music. We routinely use three hymnals during worship: Hymnal 1982, Lift Every Voice and Sing II, and Wonder, Love, and Praise.
"I love the diversity in our music program; traditional and original music from local composers, spiritual and gospel music as well as singing in different languages. The instruments, especially percussion, add a smile in the singers" . . . Rose West
Saint Mark’s budgets 16% of its annual expenditures on music, which includes stipends for our music director, Lisa Sylvester; Mark Robson, our Organist; NEW Chorister Director Kimberly Poli; and David Key, our 9:00 a.m. Music Leader. The budget also includes funding for special music opportunities, supporting the choir and chorister music programs, and an annual Gospel Choir combining talents from our church and school communities.
“It is my pleasure and honor to be the Music Director at St. Mark’s; I enjoy the wide variety of styles of music we are able to include in worship services and appreciate the collaborative approach that we have between clergy and music staff to create meaningful and inspiring (we hope!) liturgies.” . . . Lisa Sylvester, Music Director